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纯金级喜马拉雅 Shilajit 树脂 - 采摘于 17,000 英尺以上,有机、晒干和纯化。富含黄腐酸、腐殖酸和 84+ 种微量矿物质,可增强健康和抗衰老 20 克

纯金级喜马拉雅 Shilajit 树脂 - 采摘于 17,000 英尺以上,有机、晒干和纯化。富含黄腐酸、腐殖酸和 84+ 种微量矿物质,可增强健康和抗衰老 20 克

常规价格 HK$429.00
常规价格 HK$663.00 促销价 HK$429.00
促销 售罄


Rakaposhi Organics 100% 纯喜来芝树脂采自喜马拉雅山的西北山脉,该山脉平均海拔 6500 米,是世界第二高峰——传奇的乔戈里峰 (K2) 的所在地,这使得我们的喜来芝具有非凡的品质和效力。

我们对每一批喜来芝进行实验室测试, 以确保其适合人类食用并且不含污染物和重金属。




  • 增强大脑功能:喜来芝树脂有助于保护您的脑细胞免受损害并提高您的认知能力。它还可以预防或减缓阿尔茨海默病的进展。
  • 延缓衰老:喜来芝树脂是一种抗氧化剂和抗炎剂,可对抗体内的自由基和细胞损伤。它还可以增加胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的产生,从而使您的皮肤保持光滑和年轻。
  • 提高生育能力:喜来芝树脂可提高睾酮水平和精子质量,从而提高性能力和生殖健康。它还可以平衡荷尔蒙并调节月经周期。
  • 增强能量:喜来芝树脂可增强线粒体功能,线粒体负责为细胞产生能量。它还可以减轻疲劳和压力,改善情绪和动力。
  • 增强免疫力:喜来芝树脂可增强您的免疫系统,帮助抵抗感染和疾病。它还可以调节您的炎症反应并加快伤口愈合速度。


  • 100% 纯天然黄金级纯喜马拉雅 Shilajit 树脂 - 采摘于 17,000 英尺以上
  • 富含黄腐酸和其他有益健康的矿物质
  • 增强大脑功能,延缓衰老,提高生育能力,增强能量,增强免疫力
  • 易于使用、无副作用、经过质量和安全测试
  • 环保铝罐,配勺子,净重20克


  • 将 250 - 500 毫克 Rakaposhi Organics Shilajit 混入一小杯热水(例如一杯浓缩咖啡杯)中,让其溶解,然后饮用!
  • 您也可以使用包装中附带的量匙将其直接放在舌下。
  • 最好每天早晨空腹食用。
  • 每罐含 40 份,每份 500 毫克(或 80 份,每份 250 毫克),
  • 服用后您应该会立即感到能量激增,如果没有,请增加服用量。
  • 要了解更多相关信息, 请查看我们的常见问题解答部分,如果您还有疑问, 请随时与我们联系!

Product features

100% Premium and Natural Gold Grade Pure Himalayan Shilajit Resin - Harvested Above 17,000 Feet

Rich in fulvic acid and other minerals that support health

Enhances brain function, slows aging, increases fertility, boosts energy, supports immunity

Easy to use, no side effects, tested for quality and safety

Comes in an eco-friendly aluminum jar with a spoon, 20 grams net weight

Product Benefits

Enhances brain function: Shilajit resin helps protect your brain cells from damage and improves your cognitive abilities. It may also prevent or slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Slows aging: Shilajit resin acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that fights free radicals and cellular damage in your body. It may also increase the production of collagen and elastin, which keep your skin smooth and youthful.

Increases fertility: Shilajit resin boosts your testosterone level and sperm quality, which may improve your sexual performance and reproductive health. It may also balance your hormones and regulate your menstrual cycle .

Boosts energy: Shilajit resin enhances your mitochondrial function, which is responsible for generating energy in your cells. It may also reduce fatigue and stress, and improve your mood and motivation.

Supports immunity: Shilajit resin strengthens your immune system and helps fight off infections and diseases. It may also modulate your inflammatory response and heal wounds faster.

How To Use & What To Expect

see here:

Mix 250 - 500 mg of Rakaposhi Organics Shilajit into a small cup of hot water (such as an espresso cup), let it dissolve, then drink it!

You can also take it directly under your tongue using the measuring spoon included in the package.

Best to consume on an empty stomach, first thing every morning.

Each tin contains 40 servings of 500mg each (or 80 servings of 250mg each), 

You should feel an energy surge immediately after taking it, if you don't, increase your serving size.

To learn more about what to expect, please check out our FAQ section, and if you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch with us!

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